Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sold to open 2 puts of TSLA_110615P195 at $4

Tesla earnings to be announced in few minutes. The stock dropped from $212 (I missed an order to sell my 200 stocks by few cents) to $208 over few minutes. At that price, I am willing to buy 200 Tesla stocks that I sold yesterday at 195 -$4=$191. Hence sold 2 195 Put options and collected around $800 in premimum!
Last few trades before I conclude #TSLA4Tesla project!
> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 2 puts of TSLA_110615P195 at 4 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 2 puts of TSLA_110615P195 at $4 on 11/03/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11973644848 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Monday, November 2, 2015

Sold 200 shares of TSLA at $213.94 on 11/02/2015.

Thank God! I was stuck with 200 Tesla stocks that I had to buy for $212.50 when the Put options that I had sold last week were exercised! The options gave me around $1000 so I am glad I got a chance to reduce my position in wake of Tesla Earnings tomorrow! I hope the earnings are in Arian's favor in project #TSLA4Tesla #TradingwithAPurpose 

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell 200 shares of TSLA at 213.94 limit, good for today:
> You sold 200 shares of TSLA at $213.94 on 11/02/2015.
> This is a notification of a partial fill.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11968329903 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Friday, October 30, 2015

Sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_110615C210 at $8.10

Today I am likely to have PUT options 212.5 exercised. This will give me a position of 200 more Tesla stocks. I really do not want to go in the earnings release with 400 long so I sold these options. I have another 4+2 call options sold. I want to take short position so that is the reason why I have them sold. 
First time in Project #TSLA4Tesla, I am in confusion. I want to go short but I have some long positions. I hope the stock does not drop big time...If it does, the sale of the Call options will give me some leverage. If I should listen to my inner voice, I think I should NOT go with short on the options. I sense a real possibility for the Tesla stock to drop by more than 30-40 dollars. Is there a chance that it can go up by that magnitude? I see more probability for it to drop then to go up- 80% to 20%!! I need to go out and take a walk to clear up my thoughts.

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 4 calls of TSLA_110615C210 at 8.10 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_110615C210 at $8.10 on 10/30/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11965843705 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Sold to open 2 puts of TSLA_110615P200

Another dumb (or smart??) move..not sure. I am going to have 400 tesla long by today. I want to sell 200 of them before earnings..so if the stock drops, my effective price comes down to $194.
Tesla earnings are around the corner. Fingers crossed.

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 2 puts of TSLA_110615P200 at 6 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 2 puts of TSLA_110615P200 at $6 on 10/30/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11965488180 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sold 4 calls of TSLA_110615C222.5 at $6.75

Tesla Earnings on 3rd November so playing a short shot. Sold 4 call options for 06 Nov 15 with strike price of $222.50! This earnings season is crazy so far! I hope I don't get stuck on the wrong side!

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 4 calls of TSLA_110615C222. at 6.75 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_110615C222. at $6.75 on 10/26/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11952286543 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Monday, October 26, 2015

Sold to open 2 calls of TSLA_103015C212. at $5.25 on 10/26/2015

I am in the winding down mood. I  have 200 Tesla stocks that I need to sell so I sold 2 Call options with strike price of $212.50 for this week and it gave me around $1040! I will be happy either way- if they get exercised or get expired.
Hopefully there are no major movements in TSLA stock before I get delivery. Arian does not know that I have an order and I would love delivery on his birthday in December!! 

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 2 calls of TSLA_103015C212. at 5.25 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 2 calls of TSLA_103015C212. at $5.25 on 10/26/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11951669648 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Friday, October 23, 2015

Sold to open 2 puts of TSLA_103015P212. at $5.45

Not sure why I made this trade... If TSLA- Tesla stock does not move much, most of my Call options will expire worthless :)
One option that is likely to get exercised is Call options expiring today with exercise price of 210! I already have 200 long position in TSLA so hopefully, if that is exercised, this will bring back the position at a lower effective price! Plus, I already have a limit order for selling TSLA call options for next week!

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 2 puts of TSLA_103015P212. at 5.45 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 2 puts of TSLA_103015P212. at $5.45 on 10/23/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11946868043 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com