Friday, October 16, 2015

Time to start taking short positions on TSLA...

Wish I had patience! I know if you are stuck in a wrong side of the trend, the market never lets you go unpunished! I had 800 TSLA long and was afraid too much. Plus I had sold PUT options at 220! On the day when it hit the low of 211, I sold 215 put options and then 220 and now 225.. I want to be back on the short project #TSLA4Tesla

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 4 calls of TSLA_102315C225 at 5.45 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_102315C225 at $5.45 on 10/16/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11929730132 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_102315C220

I need to close my long position asap! I am hoping TSLA stock will come up to 230..
I am worried it does not start a fresh downward streak soon.
Btw--- I booked one Tesla today... Hoping to get delivery by Arian's birthday on December 01!

> Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 09:14:12 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Courtesy Fill Notification
> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 4 calls of TSLA_102315C220 at 4.95 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_102315C220 at $4.95 on 10/15/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11926387020 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sold 2 calls of TSLA_101615C220 at $3.95

I am getting scared of my long positions. The way it is trading, it seems that investors are selling and few new buyers/speculators are interested. Need to get out of the position which I stupidly got into.
Project #TSLA4Tesla
> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 2 calls of TSLA_101615C220 at 3.95 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 2 calls of TSLA_101615C220 at $3.95 on 10/13/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11920050097 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631

Sold 4 calls of TSLA_101615C215 at $4.95

I didn't close in time my long positions and this morning, I got scared and I decided to make some exit strategy. Also, I have 4 Put options sold at 220 so sold these Call options.. I know I can't get out of the current mess without any blood LOL. Also, I need to know that you can't have profits all the time, right. Anyway, let me try to close the long position with minimum damage so I can resume trading with fresh perspective.

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 4 calls of TSLA_101615C215 at 4.95 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_101615C215 at $4.95 on 10/13/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11919941699 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631

Sold to open 4 puts of TSLA_101615P220

Am I getting into a trap?? I am really scared!!! I think one correction may be coming in to 230 or so and it will be time to be all short...

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 4 puts of TSLA_101615P220 at 5.45 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 4 puts of TSLA_101615P220 at $5.45 on 10/12/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11917531756 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631

Bought 200 shares of TSLA at 220.51

Oh no! TSLA keeps tanking and so does the profit in Project #TSLA4Tesla!! I sort of felt that TSLA was to go down but I underestimated the intensity. I thought there will be slow decay in the prices and it will give me some chance to sell at rises but there is no rise at all. Here is my last chance for a recovery of 5-10 dollars.
> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to buy 200 shares of TSLA at 220.51 limit, good for today:
> You bought 200 shares of TSLA at $220.51 on 10/09/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11913863913 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_100915C225 at 3.25 limit

Dang it! I am stuck in the wrong direction. I am sad. TSLA is going down but I have long positions! I am sad...and mad on myself!
I sold 4 put options expiring tomorrow for around $1300 with strike price of 225!
> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 4 calls of TSLA_100915C225 at 3.25 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_100915C225 at $3.25 on 10/08/2015.
> This is a notification of a partial fill.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11911514228 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631