Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Shorted 400 shares of TSLA at $240.45

Shorted 400 stocks of Tesla/TSLA in project #TSLA4Tesla..
TSLA is teasing me these days and I am really worried that it is setting up some trap for me... 
Probably I need to close all of my positions and stay low...

I sold this but I am thinking to sell some PUT options too as a cushion in case of TSLA going up even though it will limit my profit.

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to short 400 shares of TSLA at 240.45 limit, good for today:
> You sold short 400 shares of TSLA at $240.45 on 10/06/2015.
> This is a notification of a partial fill.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11903668015 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sold 2 puts of TSLA_100915P245 at $5.45 on 10/05/2015

I expect the market to show weakness again but last two consecutive days of strength (Friday and today), makes me feel a bit bullish. I am already short TSLA Call options 245 for the week so decided to sell 2 PUT options too at 245 for $5.45 in project $TSLA4Tesla!

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 2 puts of TSLA_100915P245 at 5.45 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 2 puts of TSLA_100915P245 at $5.45 on 10/05/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11900245834 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Friday, October 2, 2015

buy to close 2 calls of TSLA_100215C245 at 2.36 limit

Normally I don't close options position #TSLA4Tesla experiment. I let them either expire or get exercised. However as the market and Tesla stock moved against my outlook today, I closed the options instead of getting stuck with too much short position in TSLA stock. I covered my Tesla Call options 245 at $2.36

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to buy to close 2 calls of TSLA_100215C245 at 2.36 limit, good for today:
> You bought to close 2 call of TSLA_100215C245 at $2.36 on 10/02/2015.
> This is a notification of a partial fill.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11898354536 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_100915C245 for next week

As I would like to keep my short position in Tesla stock, I sold some TSLA call options for next week at $6.45. My put options sale in TSLA for this week is likely to be exercised and would remove my current short of 400 stocks in #TSLA4Tesla project.

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 4 calls of TSLA_100915C245 at 6.45 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_100915C245 at $6.45 on 10/02/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11897739090 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Sold 2 puts of TSLA_100215P240 at 3.45

Though I am bearish, I am tempted for a 1 day trade. I sold 2 puts of TSLA_100215P240 at 3.45. They expire in a day...
I am going to sell some more calls too..
#TSLA4Tesla project is coming along nicely with around $70000 in profit trading mostly TSLA stock options and some times the stock. Mostly playing on the short side and not long.

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 2 puts of TSLA_100215P240 at 3.45 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 1 put of TSLA_100215P240 at $3.45 on 10/01/2015.
> This is a notification of a partial fill.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11893429717 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sold 2 calls of TSLA_100215C245 at 6.25

Tesla came out with Model X and looks like market does not know whether to like it or hate it LOL
In pre-market, TSLA stock was trading higher and then it dropped. When it came back, I sold 2 Call options that expire in 3 days. Looking at today's weakness, I am okay with some short positions. Looks like a big sell off is about to come in Tesla stock IMHO.

> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 2 calls of TSLA_100215C245 at 6.25 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 2 calls of TSLA_100215C245 at $6.25 on 09/30/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11890102282 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631
> www.tdameritrade.com

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sold 4 TSLA Oct 02 2015 250.0 Put @ 5.95 for 2,372.21

Sold 4 PUT options with strike price of $250

09/28/2015  10:39:39Sold 4 TSLA Oct 02 2015 250.0 Put @ 5.95