As I would like to keep my short position in Tesla stock, I sold some TSLA call options for next week at $6.45. My put options sale in TSLA for this week is likely to be exercised and would remove my current short of 400 stocks in #TSLA4Tesla project.
> TD Ameritrade, Inc. Courtesy Fill Notification
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Account number ending with: 3391
> Account owner: JAYESH PATEL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For your order to sell to open 4 calls of TSLA_100915C245 at 6.45 limit, good for today:
> You sold to open 4 calls of TSLA_100915C245 at $6.45 on 10/02/2015.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Please refer to order number 11897739090 when inquiring about this order.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank You for choosing TD Ameritrade for your investment needs.
> 200 S 108th Avenue
> Omaha, NE 68154-2631